
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18

Few amongst us live from the unseen. Yet, the spiritual, though possibly enhanced by sight, requires us to forego trusting in our visual interpretation. The old adage, "you cannot tell a book by its' cover" is applicable to our spiritual life.

How often do you find yourself, maybe even right now, "dressed up in religious finery" but distant from the grace of God? You might find yourself in all the "right religious places" (worship, studying the scripture, fellowship, even serving), but, your soul is luke-warm, and peace is distant from the day.

There is only one thing needed - be present at the feet of Christ, today, now! Do not go, do, or be anywhere else until the presence, pardon, and power of Jesus Christ fills you afresh. 

Until one is ready to beg and petition to be present with the King of kings, all the "right religious actions", will simply be just that.

This isn't about "fixing a problem"! This is a matter of being with Christ, in the Spirit...

In my journey of faith, although I have faltered and been found wanting, it has never been my experience that our Lord Jesus Christ has failed to be...anything or other than whom he claims.

Jesus is the way and the truth and the life...

I pray you find rest in your soul this day, and every day!




Great and Mighty