
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

Poverty in spirit, in this passage, is to recognize and know one's need. John Wesley said, "know your disease, know your cure." Most of life's dis-ease is rooted in the desire and need to be in control, to be seen and understood as superior to another - pride.

Popular culture teaches a "me first", "you deserve and are entitled to this or that". Materialism, pride, and dishonesty are spiritual problems. Where there is a nation, a culture, or a person who insists on "getting their way", they will most likely meet with success in the world's way and view. 

Holy and precious Lord, teach me the way of the cross. Leave no remnants of pride unturned, exposed, and removed from any corner of my heart or the fabric of my soul. 

In our journey of discipleship with you Jesus, may your peace, your love, and your humility reign in each of hearts, homes, and communities of faith. 

Holy Spirit, we pray that you will lead us into a new revival of what it means to be the body of Christ. We offer this prayer and our lives in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thy will be done…



