
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Psalm 130:5–6

Especially, most especially, when things in life start getting up a head of steam, when all the activities start taking on a life of their own and demanding more of your time than you believe you can give....especially then, PAUSE.

Whatever the situation, whatever the task, no thing is as important as being attentive to the Lord's will in your life. He is your hope, your peace, your comfort, your power to be...

Holy God, we wait for you in the morning, we wait during the day, we will wait throughout the night. Our minds may be restless with lists of tasks but your word calms our hearts and spirits.

By your grace, your perfect peace, your steadfast love becomes my place of rest. Your Spirit aligns my will in yours and the things of the world are put in their place.

In Christ alone, our hope is found. In Christ alone, in Christ alone…



