Cross Bearing
Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
Luke 9:23
There is often great trial and suffering as one takes up their cross to follow Christ. Much of it has to do with pride, place, and prominence in the popular culture. There is no way around the pain, but there is a way through it. Your personal cross and walk in Christ's way is your own and no one can or will make the journey for you. The one constant and the One that will never leave you or forsake you is Jesus Christ and the cross he bore for the sin of all.
Holy God we lean on you and the strength of your Spirit in Christ as we bear our cross. Leave no ill thought, burden, or hardness unturned in our heart of hearts.
With the joy and victory of our Lord Jesus we will carry our crosses forth this day and welcome every opportunity to be living witnesses in the world, in our nations, communities, and families. As He lives, we too shall live...