
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." John 20:21

I've always enjoyed "going places" and to say I have a bit of an adventurous spirit would be an understatement. When I was fifteen, I once road my bicycle 40 miles to see a young lady. Off to the Marines at eighteen. At twenty-seven, driving cross country from Maine to Arizona to go to college (never made it, to Arizona that is, that year). When I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior there was the beginning of a shift in my mind from going places to "being sent". Off to seminary at ripe age of 36 and then England, family and all, at forty-two for doctoral studies. With, many cool trips throughout the last two decades, to places like Jordan, Honduras, Bahamas, and Paraguay I learned a lesson.

Being "sent" by God applies to ALL those confessing faith in Christ. Being "sent" could mean "going" halfway around the world or it could mean "going" to the local high school (neither of which is more or less important).

Here are 3 Core Christ Principles for disciples that are not only applicable to our walk with God, they are everyday essentials....Jesus says,
1. "Come to me..." MT 11:28
2. "Abide in me..." JN 15:4
3. "Go and make disciples..." MT 28:19

COME...ABIDE...GO, in Christ!



