By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:2-3
Are you truly resting? If, on one of your days off (assuming you have two), you find yourself saying, "I have to do...." and and it is accompanied by the knowledge that it feels like "work", then you are not truly resting.
I'm only sharing what I know myself to be guilty of. It is oh so easy to think, "if I don't do this it will never get done". Maybe, maybe not. Of greater significance is honoring God by following God's lead. God worked and God rested.
Whatever your "work" or job may be, please take the time to "still" your mind and your hands. In so doing, you might experience the renewing of your spirit like never before.
Holy God, in you we know perfect peace and rest. In your grace, teach us to turn off the activities of mind and body that we might be renewed in spirit and truth.
Bless O Lord all those who labor today to provide for their families. Give them the abiding assurance that you know exactly what they need and always, not only make a way, you are the Way.
And now, loving God, give me the spiritual vision that I might see, this day, how I am might best be used as your vessel of grace to be a part of your Kingdom provision in someone else's life...for your glory, I will the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.