Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
The purest and most holy and righteous comfort is yours in the Lord.
There are times in life, as we walk in faith, when all we can see with our eyes of the trail ahead is the next step in front of us; all we can see behind is the memory of that which we have just left.
The gift of God IS God's presence in the present. Take comfort in the Comforter, who knows all, sees all, and is your All in all.
Precious Lord, you are unchanging. I put my my faith and trust in you, knowing you to be everything that is good and praiseworthy. In Christ alone, by your Spirit, this world and my heart, communities and nations, have seen and experienced the riches of your everlasting love.
Almighty God, find us faithful in this day as your living witnesses...