
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9

Discipleship was never intended to be a "program" of the church. Yet, all too often it is framed as such, thereby unintentionally giving folks a "pass". 

Discipleship, from what scriptures reveal, is a "way of life", something that we participate in as Christ-followers. We are not alone. As crazy as it may sound, although it is very personal, we don't "own the journey". We are His and the Spirit lives in each of us.

Each and every day, throughout the day, we have the freedom to choose how we respond to situations and things. There are plenty of times that we have the opportunity to "take the lead" and set the tone for the environment.

Christ's disciples will fall and fail. But the One we follow never has, does, nor will fail to be anything less than perfect faithfulness in each and every one of His promises.

What have you been holding onto that is holding you back in your walk with Christ? If you entrust it to God, you might just find that it was never intended to be yours in the first place.

With God, all things are possible (MK 10:27).



