Unswerving Hope

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24

To be humble (poor) in spirit is to be strong in grace. And we know that grace is the presence, the pardon, and power of God. Grace transforms lives. And grace is sufficient in the throes of all forms of distress. 

Hear my prayer O Lord, you are the everlasting God. You make the sun to rise, you are the Creator and have placed the stars and the planets in the cosmos and you also know when a sparrow falls. 

Who am I that you would be mindful of me? You have called me by name. You have said that I am a child of the Most High. Jesus has called me friend, salt, and light. I am a temple, the blessed recipient of the Holy Spirit. Every hour of every day the Living Word, Son of God, Son of Man, has occasion to witness through me. You, Lord Jesus, have said that apart from you, I can nothing...nothing that is honorable or praiseworthy. And through your servant Paul, the very one who at one time sought the harm of your followers, your Spirit empowered the words, "I can do all things in Him who gives me strength."

Like all the saints, past and present alike, fill me and use me this day to edify others that your will be done, your Kingdom reign in hearts on earth, till all the world shall confess - Jesus is Lord!


Courageous Surrender


Thine, Not Mine