Trusting Peace

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
Psalm 145: 8-9

Sovereign God, we bow down with repentant hearts for all the ways and times we have rebelled against your will. In our ignorance we have left things unsaid and in our anger we speak out of turn.

We praise you Lord for your mercy and forgiving Spirit as we draw upon your grace in fresh starts and new beginnings. We proclaim the works of your hands and testify to your transforming presence in our lives. How can I contain my joy when I count my blessings?!

Healing God, strengthen and comfort the frail at heart - reveal in their mind's eye what peace is like for those who trust in you. Your peace, O God, is like no other - fears fades and doubts cease and your assurance reigns...all praise is yours in the name of Jesus


Unbreakable Love


Walking in God's Will