Sent to Love

"Come to me...Abide in me...go and make disciples of all nations" MT 28:11, JN 15:5, MT 28:19.

The invitation, the inspiration, the command is the same for all - Protestant and Catholic, Orthodox and Pentecostal, pastor and priest, adult and child. The condition and character of coming to, staying in, or going with Christ, too, is the same for all - it is love!

God, whom we worship in spirit and in truth, through your grace, find us faithful in loving you as you have loved us. Empower us in your mercy to be loving in our relationships with others today, friends, co-workers, fellow students, and especially those we would normally try to avoid. Precious Lord you have called us each by name "_______ come to me" and we find comfort, strength, and courage in fellowship with you. Send us, broken bread and poured out wine, unashamedly, to share the greatest love story ever lived and penned - Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever!



