Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are confident in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our confidence comes from God.
2 Corinthians 3:4–5
You have every right to doubt yourself, and others. Honestly, there isn't one of us who hasn't stumbled, fallen and at-one-time- or-another, been unable to accomplish what needed to be done. BUT, hear the Good News.
We are called to put our faith, trust, and hope in God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit! Not ourselves.
Be faithful in immersing your head and your heart in the Word. Trust that the Spirit will speak into your life, God's way. And you will find that Jesus Christ is the purest, truest, and most complete hope of and over every imaginable endeavor and obstacle you will ever see as you look ahead.
My Lord, my God, in You all things are possible. Let me lay aside this day all thought and action that focuses on self. By your grace, I stand in the assurance of your will - to have and do all things that point to Christ. To this end we pray. All glory is yours, my God.